Long ago, two adventurers tracked down and killed a fallen star. The wealth they gained from such a grand haul was the stuff of legends, the treasure of Popes and Emperors. The corpse of a star, besides being a source of reagents and ingredients for powerful spells, elixirs, and other arcane purposes, is composed of valuable metals and gems. Its skin is gold and silver, its bones adamant, its ichor liquid platinum... or so the legends go. All stories agree that such wealth would be more than one hundred men could spend in their lifetimes, so what would two men do with such treasure...
A Dragon in his Cave
In the hills far to the north of Beörnburg there is a hole running into the side of a rocky hillock. It is a cramped cave, large enough only for an adult human to crawl through. It is dark, and dry, and stable. As you descend deeper the cave system branches out into myriad paths, a warren of tunnels through the rock. Sometimes it passes through great caverns, sometimes the tunnels remain cramped and awkward for miles, in all cases the further along leads ever and inexorably downwards. The inhabitants and builders of this mysterious complex are found scurrying along the passageways and ratruns that suit them well, the small and scaly denizens of this underworld, the Kobolds, are constantly improving and expanding, trapping and defending their cramped halls, all driven by some unknowable will, some dark and hidden intelligence. It becomes clear that this is not so much a simple cave complex, nor even a great mine, but an underground metropolis.
At the centre of all of this, you will find a dragon sitting on his hoard...
The cave system which Doctor Plagueis inhabits is always being delved deeper and more complex by the tribe of Kobolds that seem strangely devoted to him. Kobolds are great team workers, and dedicated tinkerers, but they lack direction and drive. Plagueis found them lost and alone, Plagueis has given them purpose, for Plagueis has a plan.
Having learned from his new subjects the lore of the ancient Dragons, and how it was once the reptilian people who once ruled the earth before the stars changed and before the coming of mammals, Plagueis became a complete convert to the Kobold's way of thinking. He knew that with a concentrated plan, a rational mind, and a great deal of effort, the great dream to wake the Dragons could be accomplished much more quickly.
To this end, the warren of tunnels is even more of a mine that most Kobold encampments. They have sunk great shafts into the earth to survey the strata for evidence of sunken Naga cities, crashed and buried star corpses, and most important of all: evidence as to the true resting place of the great Dragons.
This tunnel has... (d6)- Only one entrance (Dead End)
- One way in, one way out
- One way in, two cramped passages out
- Has one way in, and several exits on different levels which must be climbed up/down to
- Is a star junction of seven paths
- One way in, four hidden paths out
2 | A deep shaft descending an almost infinite way downwards. A slim lip runs around the edge of the bottomless pit |
3 | An active dig site excavating something important: [1d6] 1) A seam of precious ore, 2) An ancient human tomb or settlement filled with ancient treasures, 3) A forgotten Dwarf Fortress probably suffused with ancient evil and precious devices, 4) An ancient Naga settlement replete with magic items, 5) A scattering of Fey crystals, 6) A buried Star. This room is filled with 3d20 Kobolds at work excavating |
4 | A spoil heap, mostly detritus from mining, but some investigation will reveal a small amount of gems and precious metals (1d6 gp) |
5 | A trap room halfway under construction, the trap(s) for this room are not yet functioning but there are 4d12 Kobolds working here. |
6 | A large (4d6) squad of Kobold mining engineers, they are currently: [1d6] 1) In the midst of constructing new tunnels, not prepared for a fight. They will down tools and fall back if adventurers are spotted. 2) On break, snacking and playing at dice. They will assume that anyone in the caves is supposed to be here and invite them to play. 3) Transporting spoil, treasure, or mining equipment from one section of the mines to another. If approached they will be suspicious but not aggressive, will form an orderly fighting retreat if challenged. 4) Engrossed in work tunneling out a new hallway downwards, distracted and focused on their task they would be easy enough to sneak past, will stand and fight if they are confronted. 5) Hiding something, they will initially defend their unearthed prize but will attempt to flee with it if the characters put up a fight. 6) In the midst of a combat drill to defend the caves against intruders. Armed with spears and crossbows they are at the highest point of readiness for combat. |
7 | Empty hall connecting two adjoining spaces |
8 | A Kobold dining hall. Large fire pit, surrounded with small personal Kobold nest alcoves. There are d20-5 Kobolds in here eating, relaxing, or sleeping. |
9 | A trap room, roll an additional time on the trap table below |
10 | A nesting hall full of egg boxes and tiny baby Kobolds. Also, 1d8 adult Kobolds tending to them. The primary goal for the adults will be to protect the babies by any means. |
11 | A contingent (3d6) of Kobold honor guards in rudimentary armour, and drilled to the highest calibre; armed with heavy crossbows, pavise shields, and vicious stabbing swords of a unique and novel design. |
12 | The lair of Plagueis the False Dragon |
- Jangling line of bells strung across the hall, isn't a trap but will alert all Kobolds nearby
- A flurry of 2d10 darts shot from the wall triggered by a pressure plate under an uneven flagstone.
- Concealed pit with spikes
- Cage with an Achromite in it, falls from the roof and traps the target in cage with creature. Triggered by a concealed Kobold watching the tunnel
- Rockfall (save to dodge or 2d8 damage) triggered by a tripwire across the room
- Spring loaded blade (1d8) triggered by a pressure plate
- Murder holes with 2d12 Crossbow armed Kobolds in wait
- Roll twice and combine
Plagueis the False Dragon
Strictly speaking, Plagueis is not a Dragon, although he does often sit upon a great pile of gold and gems whilst issuing directives and holding forth to his people, that's more for show (certain behaviors are expected of him by his people). He prefers to spend his time in his laboratory continuing his experiments, or supervising the excavation and construction projects throughout his domain.
Plagueis was fascinated by the small, eager, dragonfolk he encountered on his adventure to confront the fallen star. He resolved to stay with them, learn more about them, and help them in thanks for helping him. To this end he started with the only technique he knew, that of the bizarre alchemy of the Plague Doctor. Utilising the strange mystic qualities of the ichor of the star Plagueis was able to develop some truly wondrous concoctions.
He began his experiments in attempting to increase the physical qualities of the Kobolds, making them taller, bigger, faster, more dangerous to those larger things that may attempt to harm them (read: everything). He also knew that his disguise (in the form of his beaked Doctor mask) would not last indefinitely, no matter how assiduously he continued to wear it, and that no true Kobold would ever fully trust a mammal.
Plagueis knows that his experiments on himself have rendered his form more reptilian, more acceptable as a leader and colleague of his beloved surrogate children. What he does not know, and what the Kobolds do, is that his transformation is not all of his own doing. Contrary to what the good Doctor assumed, the Kobolds always knew that he was a mammal clad in a crude Dragon-like disguise, but they saw the Dragon withing... and they believed.
With the belief of his people, Plagueis is slowly becoming a Dragon. Plagueis has been able to rationalise the scales he has grown, and the more lizardlike form (this was after all the purpose of his experiments), however he is slightly more unsettled by the Dragon-dreams that haunt his sleep more and more often. He dreams of soaring high above the land, of bringing destruction with fire and claw to the vast stone burrows of the usurping mammals, he dreams of jungles hot and wet where giant reptilian creatures rule, and he is worried that these seem less and less like dreams and more and more like memories every day. Dragons are strange creatures, not entirely of this world but not entirely apart from it. It might be less accurate to say that he is becoming a Dragon, as a vessel for Dragonness in the world. He is trying to control his dreams, and his physical transformation, with purgatives, soporifics, and calmatives; however there rests deep inside him the beating heart of a Dragon, waiting to come out.
There is also the matter of the Carnival Prince, and his rabid desire to gain the treasure which the False Dragon has in his keeping. Plagueis knows little of Priam's desire to find him, or the lust the Wildman has to possess the star heart half that Plagueis holds. Truth be told, he has reached the end of what the heart can teach him and would cheerfully give it up if asked nicely, especially to the keeping of one he yet absentmindedly considers a friend. He would even welcome in any messengers from his old adventuring companion, the fact is that no-one ever tries just visiting but always come as assassins and sneak thieves (and so invariably fall afoul of Kobold ambushes, as the cunning dragonfolk know their tunnels better than any outsider could possibly hope to learn). Plagueis did not in fact spend any of the fabulous wealth acquired, and it sits in a great pile, being yet added to by the treasures unearthed by plumbing the depths. If intruders are troublesome, but ultimately just want riches, he may give over huge amounts just to make people go away.
Plagueis' Plans
Plagueis is a man of science, reason, and compassion. An endless tinkerer with the world he was fascinated to learn of the secret history, of the moving of the planet, of the setting of the stars, and of the slumber of the Dragons. He also believes that it is right and just to wake the Dragons, and hand back control of Earth to them from the usurping mammals. It's only fair, they were here first.
Unlike the Kobolds that have worked before him, Plagueis does not believe that this can only be achieved by advancing the development of the Dragon Dreams, hoping for one to gain true sentience and awareness of its sleeping form, and to rouse itself. For one, it would take too long and Plagueis realizes that even with all his alchemical tinkering there is no way his lifespan would stretch to that. For another, heroes are always coming along and slaying Dragons (he was once such a hero after all), and the larger a Dragon gets the more likely heroes are going to come along to kill it. For a third, he knows that the simplest and most direct solution is often also that which is the most easily managed. The great beasts that dwarf mountains and slumber yet near the core of the world, the simplest way is to go fetch them. Since the Dragons will not rouse themselves, Plagueis is going to go and wake them. If the old ways will not work, if they will not come to the surface themselves, Plagueis will use the new ways and dig them out bit by bit.
The Kobolds of Plagueis' domains have become far more than their cousin Kobolds of other colonies. Many of them have been the recipients of Plagueis' potions, or as they call them "The Dragon's Gifts." Kobolds, of course, are well used to the idea that the presence of Dragons granting power to their chosen champions. Kobold Dragon Priests often develop miraculous powers when blessed by their Dragon, it simply makes sense that their Dragon could do so too.
What Plagueis is unaware of, is that the Kobolds under his care are very well aware that he is (or at least once was) human, but they believe that the miracles he has blessed them with are a sign that he is really a Dragon. All the signs, the Kobolds would say, are there. To be born Draconic, or to overcome your mammalian nature through great effort?
Approximately one in five Kobolds has benefited from a course of Plagueis' good natured but somewhat erratic experimental augmentation.
This Kobold has... [1d20]
- Iron scales (Counts as plate)
- Fire breath can shoot out a jet of fire for 1d8 damage and setting all affected things alight (recharge on 1 in 6)
- Large leathery wings that grant it the power of flight
- Super-Koboldic Strength (+5 strength bonus)
- Acid for blood, if a character cuts or stabs this Kobold that character must save or take 1d6 acid damage (bludgeoning weapons still fine)
- Lightning Fast Reflexes, always acts at the top of initiative order and acts twice in its turn
- Spines, covered in large porcupine-like quills. Any attempt to grapple this Kobold will automatically deal1d8 damage to the assailant whether the attempt is successful or not.
- Turtle Shell, the Kobold has a great shell into which it can withdraw which nothing short of dynamite can damage (can still be hurt if its limbs are sticking out)
- Razor Edged Claws that deal 1d6 damage and ignore all armour bonus
- Chameleonic scales, allows the Kobold to camoflage itself seamlessly against any surface when remaining still.
- Powerful Digging Claws, count as 1d6 weapons and can burrow at speed through earth, and a slow speed through rock
- Psionic Powers, gains a single spell-like ability (roll randomly on spell list for appropriate) 1d6/day
- Poison spoors, can jet out a cloud of fungal spores that cause nearby creatures to save or fall asleep for ten minutes (more than enough time to tie them securely, or shove them down a bottomless pit)
- Boiling Hot Blood that shoots from their eyes! Attacks for 1d8 damage (recharge 1 in 6)
- Rocket spikes that shoot from its hands. Hits at +3 for 1d4 damage
- Bite attack that can sever an extremity on a critical hit
- Very loud roar. This Kobold can roar as loud as a Tyrannosaurus (assuming Jurassic Park rules), and can use this ability to cause pain and disorientation or to warn Kobolds far and wide of dangerous intruders.
- Ultra adorable Eyes can cast Charm Person 1/day
- Squid-like Ink Projectors, an ink pouch can help you escape your enemies. Does exactly what it says on the tin, can shoot ink with astounding accuracy
- Roll twice and combine
Doctor Plagueis the False Dragon
HD: 5
AC: As chain (Plagueis is covered in quite a tough lizard hide)
Attacks: 2 Special Actions (see below)
Special Abilities:
Night Vision Goggles: Plagueis was given a set of these marvelous pieces of equipment when he first met the Kobolds. They are magical items of the vanished Naga civilization. With them he can see in total darkness, however they can be taken from him or possibly shattered.
Potion Brewing: Plagueis has all the mastery of brewing up weird alchemical substances that can even occasionally do what he wants them to. He has a fully equipped laboratory just off from his treasure chamber/throne room where he can brew up many batches of potions, or investigate or create many other wonders of the craft.
Special Actions:
Pointy Doctor Stick: Deals 1d6 non-lethal damage
Drink Potion: Plagueis carries with him five potions from the Plague Doctor class, the effects of which are randomly determined at point of consumption. He can alter the result on the table up or down by two.
Gimmick Bombs: Plagueis carries on his person a number of iron globes with release catches, he is too absent minded to know what he has been carrying with him at any given point, as these are randomly determined when activated: [1d8] 1) Smoke bomb, creates a large and obscuring cloud of smoke that hangs in the air for a minute before dispersing. 2) Poison gas, all who inhale a lungful (saving Plagueis who seems immune) take 1d4 points of poison damage. 3) A mixture of garlic cloves and holy water, probably deadly to Vampires, merely pungent for everyone else. 4) Sticky bomb, a great glob of glue explodes outwards affixing all in its blast radius to the floor (takes a full turn of concerted effort to get free). 5) Clockwork Servitor, unfolds in a clicking whirring snap of gears and mechanisms becoming a 1 HD Creature armour as chain and with flight, buzzes around shooting nails for 1d4 damage at enemy combatants. 6) Flashbang, blinds and deafens everyone within the same room for three rounds (Plagueis is merely deafened thanks to his goggles). 7) Sleep Gas, all in immediate area save or suffer the effects of the Sleep spell. 8) GRENADE! Acts as fireball spell.
Call Kobolds: As long as Plagueis is anywhere within his cave system, the Kobolds will be at his beck and call. At any point he can call for help and 2d10 Kobolds will be with him within three rounds
Dracopotheosis: Unbeknownst to him, Plagueis is gradually becoming a Dragon, and stress or desperation may give just the boost to get there. If Plagueis is brought to zero hitpoints, (or if he gets driven to some great level of stress outside of combat) there is a one in six chance that he will suddenly transform into a 5HD Dragon.
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Dr Viz by Vocitare |
- There's tell of a Dragon that lives upon a mountain of gold up in the hills North of Beörnburg, but no-one has seen it flying about. Perhaps it is dead or asleep, and its horde there for the taking
- Rumours say that the Dragon Plagueis is just a myth, a story that a rich old kook tells to keep people away from his vast fortune. Maybe it's time to pay this old timer a visit
- The Carnival Prince of Zirkusburg has laid a great bounty for the return of his dear companion Plagueis... dead or alive
- The surrounding villages and hillforts are plagued by Kobold raids, carrying off food, livestock, and mining equipment for some reason. (The colony is growing very large and they must forage further and further afield).
- It's said that deep in the hills, guarded by a Dragon, is the heart of a star. Something that valuable would be worth any risk...
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