Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What's The Deal With This Town?

Everyone on the internet who cares about RPGs has read Arnold K's False Hydra (and if for some reason you haven't you should go read it now). In it he asks: 

'Can someone make a random table titled "What's the Deal With the Town?"' for the idea of generating random plot hooks for an episodic campaign in which the players are going from town to town facing new challenges and secrets monster-of-the-week style.'

And so, in tribute to the spectacular Arnold K, I present my very poor attempt at such a thing:

What's The Deal With This Town...?


  1. Groundhog day, everyone in the town is reliving the same day and everything resets at about three in the morning except for the party. Anyone renting a room will be arrested for having broken into the inn, anyone arrested will be turfed out and warned against playing around in guards' quarters less they end up in the cells for real. Any townsfolk wounded or killed will become alive and well, any visitors will not be so lucky.
  2. A large construction project is going on, it is supposed to allow for better sunlight and rainfall. The town are being lied to, the most vocal of the project are actually a cult dedicated to subtly rearranging things to form a giant summoning circle to gain riches and wealth. The cult is being lied to, the leader of the cult has sold their soul to a demon and plans to buy it back with a ritual that will trade the demon the souls of all of the cult. The cult leader is being lied to, the ritual will actually summon the demon forth to feast on this plane of existence. The demon is being lied to... &c.
  3. A town full of ghosts convinced they are still alive. 
  4. False Hydra 
  5. All of the town celebrates an annual "Feast of the Strangers." Of course the celebration is tonight and they are very welcoming to the honoured guests. The celebration culminates in barbecuing and eating the strangers.
  6. All an illusion by a local tower wizard, all the inhabitants killed long ago and their reanimated corpses puppet things along disguised by the sorcerous glamour. 
  7. Villainous cult to a Reptile God has overrun this town, currently they are mustering their strength in secret. They intend no harm to any wandering bands of adventurers as such would raise suspicion, however if any stumble across the truth the cult will kill to protect its secret. 
  8. Unbeknownst to the inhabitants it is built on top of an ancient sleeping titan, the leviathan is starting to stir. 
  9. A bountiful harvest is guaranteed so long as five young children are sacrificed every year in the fields to a local dark spirit. Children can come from this village or anywhere else, the spirit is not picky. Otherwise prosperous, cheerful, and has very good beer. 
  10. All townspeople suffer from kleptomania, but each thinks that they are the only one so afflicted and wish to hide their terrible shameful secret.
  11. The town is surrounded by a woods in which live terrible creatures, these creatures keep most bound forever to this town but are also an implacable barrier against threats from outside. The characters are an unexpected surprise, but maybe the creatures chose to let them through as new additions. The villagers live in a constant state of preparedness abiding by the rules which keep them safe: I. Let the Bad Colour not be seen, it attracts them. II. Never enter the woods, that is where they wait. III. Heed the warning bell, for they are coming
  12. Two werewolves in town are gradually killing off the rest of the townsfolk at night, one by one. A tense town meeting is currently in progress to decide who to hang for suspicion of lycanthropy.
  13. A vampiric patriarch, now a direct ancestor of every member of the town, shepherds the town according to his own design, arranging marriages, shaping careers, holding regular family meetings, and ensuring no-one ever leaves.  
  14. The town is filled with people who have lost all sense of property and propriety. They hold all land in common and practice free love. They claim that the statue of the Virgin in the parish church came to life and has blessed them with immaculate lives, and that any are free to join. They seem really happy. The source of this is a succubus taking up at the church causing all around to forget all but carnal pleasure. Seems great until the harvest must come in...
  15. A gang of organised criminals from the nearest large urban centre has taken to using this village as a base. All the villagers live in intimidation and fear, hoping that some outsider might rescue them from their plight, and will try to hint as much in coded terms to any heavily armed mercenaries who wander through. Keep in mind, they are being watched.
  16. An Ancient and forgotten Empire built a weapons cache here many centuries ago. Things have begun to turn up in the soil. Often explosive things.
  17. This village is renowned for its cheese production, a particularly moreish blue-veined variety. The mould within it is actually sentient and mind controlling compelling any that ingest a large amount to come to cultivate more cheese and trade it further. Once its control has grown large enough, who knows what its plans may be.
  18. Evacuated several years ago for testing of the royal ordinance, or possibly the building of a dam that was never undertaken, or on some other Imperial or bureaucratic whim. Nobody here, completely empty yet still all well preserved as if the inhabitants had just vanished. Asking around in neighboring villages will reveal the story through the griping of displaced former residents.
  19. Has a seasonal boxing tournament! Wager your coin or challenge for the title yourself, but be warned the reigning champ is the redoubtable "Take on All Comers" Griffin
  20. Perfectly normal, except everyone has dog heads (in place of their usual human heads to clarify, and of a variety of breeds). If questioned, they will be mystified about what is meant, they appear to see no difference between themselves, their fellow villagers, and any non-canine headed visitors. Anyone who sleeps in the town wakes to find all the village now has human heads again...
  21. The town is engaged in complex diplomatic talks with the intelligent rats that infest the town.
  22. A space rock has fallen from the sky. Everyone in town is quite intrigued by it, almost too interested. At night worms slither from the rock and make their way into the ears of those sleeping in town, dissolving into their brain fluid and making them by degrees more and more obsessed with the stone. It will soon be venerated as a God.
  23. Two rival witch clans living in the hills either side of the town are in the midst of a long-drawn-out feud. The town has become the battleground as each coven attempts to exert the maximum remote control over the people. The witches never leave their hill fastnesses, but their warring magics wash over the settlement. It is getting distressing for those that live here.
  24. Actually a large sleeping mimic dreaming that it is a town. Careful examination of the inhabitants reveals that they are always connected to the ground even when walking about.
  25. A troupe of players has also arrived in town, they will be presenting a play! It sounds wonderful, it's called "The King In Yellow"
  26. Being terrorized by a monster that stalks the night. Already several households have relocated to get away from the terror. Really the "monster" is a local landowner that wishes to seize all the fields to create a latifundium, and they would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids!
  27. Pranksgiving is tonight! Many wild and zany tricks to occur and ridiculous lies to be spoke. The first rule of Pranksgiving, you don't talk about Pranksgiving
  28. The town is gradually being replaced with Pod-people, but not all the way yet. From the outside, everything seems very peaceful and normal. Some villagers are starting to get the suspicion that something is wrong, but the Pod-people prioritize replacing those who might blow their cover.
  29. The town is under the rule of a nearby Dragon which demands sacrifices and tribute at regular intervals. If the Dragon's cave is investigated, there is a very convincing life-size dragon puppet and the warren of Kobold extorting the town.
  30. The entire town is owned by one merchant. All the land and businesses are in the merchant's control, and all those who work them are paid in tokens only exchangeable at the merchant's own businesses. The tokens paid are not quite enough to cover the costs of living, and all villagers (besides the Merchants enforcers) are sliding ever deeper into debt. People are getting desperate.
  31. The inhabitants of this town are not human, but rather empty human shaped skin sacks inhabited by hives of bees. The bees usually puff out the skins, and their solid hive is found in the chest cavity. The town of Bee-people appear to be an otherwise normal town with a booming fruit and flower industry.
  32. Ruled by benevolent undead. All of the senior magistrates are some form of undead skeleton creatures. They seem dedicated to the communal good and are working competently as civic administrators. What would happen if ill-intentioned Necromancer were to wander by?
  33. Many villagers seem suspicious and wary of outsiders, they certainly don't want you poking your nose too far into that underground stone structure. Many have concealed snake tattoos and drop code phrases such as "The skin is shed, as are our burdens" and "The forked tongue whispers truth to those that would hear it". The evil snake cult in this town is just a front for local smuggling operations, and people will calm down if you can convince them that you are not an undercover tax assessor. [Spoiler: one of the villagers IS an undercover tax assessor!] 
  34. There is something in the town that has been eating the local residents, a monster capable of taking on seemingly any form. Many have attempted to flee, but the thing can follow them out of town. The safest course seems to be staying in a group and so the citizenry is holed up in the largest building that will hold them all, but the thing could be any one of them.
  35. The town is overjoyed because The Master is visiting this evening! Everyone seems very excited about this event and it is the cause of much preparation and to-do, The Master only comes by every few months after all. All are welcome to attend the coming of The Master who is a giant bird headed monster that steps out of a tear that opens in mid-air. The Master proceeds to consume half a dozen random villagers, to much rejoicing, and then returns through the dimensional rift. Any attempt to interfere is most unwelcome.
  36. Someone is stealing the town, brick by brick. Things are constantly going missing: spoons, clothes, doors, large public buildings. Who is doing this, where are they taking things, and what will they next?
  37. Everyone in town is visited by a vengeful ghost, scorned by her lover in life looking to haunt them after her death. The problem is, she doesn't have a clear idea about who her lover was and so is haunting out randomly in hopes of hitting the right target (further quizzing reveals contradictory fragmentary details, as well as an inference that she may never have had the courage to talk to her great love while she was alive). She is about eighty percent sure she is in the right general location/time period to find her former lover. 
  38. Goblinwatch is tonight
  39. Every night monstrous clawed footprints appear trekking all throughout the town. Nothing that could have left such terrible prints has been spotted, but everyone has a theory. 
  40. Everyone in town owns a fox, they seem perfectly tame and friendly, some are even worn over the shoulders. "Where is your fox? You don't have a fox!? How gauche."
  41. The Feast of Bread is this Day! Nothing weird, just a lot of bread. A LOT... 
  42. The local King/Emperor/People's Glorious Leader is in need of an army and the recruiters are in town drumming up a regiment. They cajole, bribe, threaten, and sometimes press gang "volunteers" into the army. Some people are enthused, some are trying to claim unfitness, some will try to bribe their way out, some are hiding. It's a glorious day in the regiments! 
  43. The harvest has failed, people are starving, inflation has hit hard, people are getting desperate. 
  44. Fire! The killer of cities has come upon this place. A great conflagration is roaring through the town, people fleeing with their belongings, looting abandoned houses, attempting vainly to stop the spread. The whole thing is chaos. 
  45. A giant monster has wandered into the town and laid down to take a nap in the main square. Other than some light property damage on the way in it hasn't done anything yet, but everyone is very certain not to make too much noise.
  46. A necromancer with ideas of quick and easy wealth has raised skeleton workers to plow fields, spin wool, and otherwise work the industry of the town. He has been able to undercut the wages of living workers, putting them out of a job. People are poor, disaffected, and growing angry.
  47. The town is entirely covered in wards and talismans to ward off the fair folk. Many small traders offer to sell the characters wards to attach to their possessions and persons at various levels of outrageous pricing. Apparently anything (or anyone) that does not have a ward attached vanishes overnight! Proof or specific examples are less forthcoming, but are you willing to take the risk?
  48. Plagues by mice, swarms and swarms of them flood through the town. The streets are completely covered in a furry sea of bodies.  
  49. An angry cloud has settled over the town. Occasionally it booms out "This displeases me!" and strikes out a lightning bolt. No-one has figured out yet what it wants. 
  50. A Spell Called Catherine has just been published here. 
  51. No-one in town is able to die. Opinions are mixed on this development. 
  52. A local horrible goose is on the loose stealing things, scaring small children, and generally causing chaos.
  53. The Festival of Love! Flowers and gift-giving in abundance! Fun, feasts, and frivolity! Just make sure no local traditions aren't misinterpreted, and you end up inadvertently accepting a proposal of marriage or something
  54. A University town with students running rampant, some form of local rules breaking bonanza. All fun and games right now, but sooner or later something is going to sent tensions off into a full-blown Town vs Gown riot 
  55. Town is completely taken over by a wave of puritanical iconoclasm. All colours are banned, all pastimes beyond prayer and labour outlawed, all images and art destroyed. Is it unusual religious fervor or something more sinister?
  56. A tower is being built at the centre of town in an oddly alien style. The townsfolk are signally dedicated to its construction, even tearing building materials from their own dwelling. All of them look exhausted as if they have not slept in days. Apparently everyone in town woke a week ago from the same haunting dream with the irresistible urge to build the tower. It is about three quarters completed. 
  57. Everyone in the town is wearing blindfolds (and often bumping into inanimate objects and people). If questioned they will warn that there are monsters infesting the region that kill by the sight of them. All will become distressed in the extreme if their blindfolds are removed for any reason. There does not seem to be any sign of these creatures. 
  58. Local children have befriended some kind of Eldritch Horror. All darkness, shadows, tentacles, and claws. It loves the children and loves to play, but woe betide those who claim it to be time to go to bed or eat vegetables. 
  59. A local relic/priceless museum piece/statue's head has been stolen! The missing item was a centre of civic pride and vigilante groups are out in force. Who could have taken it? Goblins? Meddling kids? Foreigners? Or maybe these strange folk who just wandered into town! Expect lots of checkpoints and demands to search all luggage.
  60. Everyone in town is beautiful, well-spoken, and effortlessly charming. It seems delightful, until you spend more than a few hours there and spot a better-looking version of yourself being directed towards the last place you were seen... 
  61. This town has been hurled through time by two hundred years! Depending on the rate of technological and social change in your world and point in history this fact might not be immediately apparent. 
  62. The town is almost universally addicted to a narcotic powder which induces euphoria, relaxation, and a sense of universal knowledge. Other than the obvious societal problems of large scale addiction, there is some terrible fate for those that consume too much...
  63. A mercenary army, on its way to the front lines of a conflict in the name of the King/Emperor/People's Glorious Leader has stopped to billet themselves in town. They are in no particular rush to be anywhere, and are taking great advantage of the letter of commission that allows them to take "suche lodgynge as maye be deem'd necessarie" to steal livestock, pay bar tabs with poorly scrawled promissory notes, roughing up anyone who looks at them funny, and generally making a dangerous nuisance of themselves. The town is very much looking forwards to seeing the back of them.
  64. Every night after dark chthonic, crook-backed, pale-skinned monsters climb out of the well in the middle of town and drag any people they find on the street back down into their underworld. No-one knows what happens to those who have been taken, only that they have never been seen again...
  65. There is a great trade in the town for dead bodies. A dark, half-constructed tower on the edge of town is paying good gold coin for any corpses that may be delivered to it, the fresher the corpse the higher the price. No one has yet attempted to sell living people to the cloaked figures of the tower, but the whole town has grown in wealth and prosperity. The tower has certainly been growing noticeably more complete as more bodies are delivered.
  66. A nearby wood is home to a tribe of hideous beast folk, every few weeks a loud and rambunctious horde of them will descend upon the town and carry off seemingly whatever they can grab that isn't nailed down, with seemingly little regard to value or use. The whole ordeal is frightening but has amounted to no more than light property damage. The beastfolk may be a little confused...
  67. Chickens are going missing in a town where chickens are the primary industry! All are suspicious, and guard their chickens more and more closely, but still they go missing. No corpses, no sudden increase in neighboring chicken flocks, just gone! There is a secret cult in town, stealing and sacrificing chickens to a cockatrice in hopes to raise the avatar of the chiacken god: The Great Golden Cock; who will bring in the ending of all things in the Great B'Gawk and hatch the world like an egg 
  68. Very normal until the night of the full moon, at which point all strangers must be out of town or safely locked up somewhere. Every new moon a horde of satyrs appear from their fey realm and romp into town for a giant orgy! All consensual, interdimensional good fun. The townsfolk are just paranoid some prudes will find out and shut the whole thing down. 
  69. Evil snake cult bent on world domination via a secret and generationally slow process of interbreeding with humans. Has a giant sexy broodmother snake goddess hidden somewhere. 
  70. Dancing plague (probably caused by an outbreak of ergotism)
  71. Built on top of an ancient sleeping titan, a pit in the midst of town burrows down to mine precious ichor and tissues of the sleeping god being. Essentially the Mind Mine.
  72. Tax season has come and everyone in town is desperately looking for last minute deductions, attempting to sort out the byzantine tax code, or trying to raise cash for a large bill that has come due for them. Fraud, forgery, and undercover tax assessors abound. 
  73. The town is full for the annual Great Boat Race between competing trade guilds and fraternal organizations. Opportunities abound for gambling, sabotage, celebration, or even joining in on a race! Plus there's probably some demon cult that arranged this the final race on the sixtieth year of racing a great demon will be summoned, there usually is.
  74. The dead have begun rising and going about their regular business. They don't seem to remember dying, and act as if nothing has happened. It's rather disconcerting, and the smell is getting worse. 
  75. An entire town dead from a virulent plague. There are four vampires left in town, growing increasingly desperate as the next settlement is too far for them to venture before the sun comes up, but there is no-one left to feed on.  
  76. Phantasmal monsters have been appearing in town, terrifying people. Some townfolk have been seized by irrational compulsions to dig up the streets. Firey holes in the earth have been appearing. All these are side effects of the buried Ancient Alien spaceship on which the town is built reactivating and trying to get itself out: sending out its Emergency Holograms, firing its engines, and attempting to hack the brainwaves of the local fauna. 
  77. Everyone is enthusiastic about "the baby", apparently their child is imminently due. It becomes clear that everyone is referring to a giant wet egg as big as a small house that is in the basement of the Town Hall. Everyone seems to consider whatever is in the egg their own imminent child. It is kept very wet, very warm, and all sorts of rotting organic matter is placed at its base to be absorbed through the shell. Where did it come from, and what will hatch out of it any day now?
  78. One of the Fair Folk is here, capriciously altering reality to their own whims, mostly to create exciting stories to observe. The town has become a mashup of fairy tale, frontier western, and telenovela. 
  79. The town does not believe in magic, and no magic works within its walls. Those who do believe in magic are held to be credulous fools. 
  80. The town is completely frozen in time, people and animals locked in place unmoving and (hopefully) unfeeling. Birds and butterflies hang frozen in the air, cats in mid leap, people stand in conversation or mid-apple bite. Nothing has rotted, but a thin layer of dust has settled on everything. Figures are statue stiff, but it is possible to move them (things stuck in midair retain their gravity defying properties, but things that were on the ground do not start to float if moved). 
  81. Entirely full of monsters pretending (badly) to be human. Ogres wearing top hats and far too small suits, three kobolds in a trench coat, displacer beasts walking unsteadily on their hind legs, etc. Each is convinced they are the only one practicing such a charade and are terrified at being found out as all they wish to do is live life as a human.
  82. An Ancient Lost City has risen from the nearby bay, destroying the local fishing economy and flooding the town in a foot of water. Ancient Philosopher Kings wander the town's streets vainly looking for someone who speaks Ancient Atlantean, whilst being pelted with rotten fruit and told to get back where they came from.
  83. Nothing unusual about this town when you enter, but the next morning after staying within its bounds a giant and impenetrable dome has settled over it. Airtight and seemingly indestructible. 
  84. The dimensions of the town shift about when no-one is looking and seem to break the laws of physics. Alleys that lead through and do not connect to the next street, houses bigger on the inside than the outside, tantalizing glimpses of places not of this world at all.
  85. Two households, both alike in dignity, are engaged in a vicious vendetta against one another, and all who pass through are expected to take sides this long standing grudge (with consequences for having the wrong colour tied to your mast). Of course the sole heirs to either house are planning to sneak off to marry each other.
  86. The town is in the midst of a witch hunt. Accusations fly wide and wild, and hangings and burnings are commonplace. Probably not a great time to be from out of town, or to work magic, or to catch any sort of attention.
  87. The town has become self aware, a great spirit of the city. It is interested and invested in its inhabitants, probably defensive against harm. It might also grow restless, and wish to hunt and consume small hamlets for sustenance, or mate with other towns to form a might conurbation!
  88. Great Scott! This town has been hurled backwards through time by an appreciable margin! People wander the tarmac paved streets holding magical communications devices to the sky in search of signal. Everyone sounds very odd due to linguistic shift. Expect different social mores and running water. The local wizard is desperately attempting to reverse the situation, ideally without anyone realizing it is his fault. 
  89. A forest is taking over the Town, bit my bit. Somehow trees are growing up between cobblestones, vines and bushes breaking part walls. Every night there come more and more of them, as soon as a small copse forms sylvan creatures spontaneously generate from it. Reverse deforestation happening at an alarming rate. 
  90. All fires come to life and decide to go elsewhere. Every fire within the town's limits, from torchlights to raging bonfires, decides to take a vaguely humanoid or quadrupedal form and wander off from their hearths. No new fires can be made. The fires conglomerate together into a great kaiju made from about a mile outside the town.
  91. Inhabitants are interbreeding with the terrible aquatic monsters of the nearby lake/bay, these hybrid offspring slowly transform in late middle age and eventually leave the surface to live in ancient undersea cities for eternity. The sea demons have dark designs for the surface world but are also immortal, so their plans still have about a thousand years before anyone has to worry about a fish-demon invasion.
  92. A Plague of Stephen has hit the town. Upon contracting the disease the patient suffers a fever, then a brief period of unconsciousness, then awakes believing themselves to be a man named Stephen somehow transported into this body. They have no memory of their former life, but a detailed memory of Stephen's (up to falling into a large fungus colony whilst exploring a cave). Stephen remembers being a rather inquisitive adventurous sort of about twenty-eight years old. The Stephens do not share a mind, their memories starting from their "mind swap" are distinct depending on experience, but every single Stephen is eager to return to his own body. The plague is very contagious.
  93. The windmills of the town and surrounding country have lifted themselves out of the ground and stride around like giants made of stone and wood. Is it just mills, or will other buildings get ideas above their movement rate? What is causing these ambulatory mills, and why do they need to eat cattle, donkeys, and other large farm animals? How will grain be milled? Clearly a hero of the age is needed. 
  94. An angel/god/saint/local equivalent has seemingly appeared in the town square to dispense justice. It is seen as a sign of the end of days. They appear to be the genuine article, although their interpretation of their own scriptures is unorthodox and the punishment for transgressions ranges from brutally ironic to idiosyncratically playful to bureaucratically mundane.
  95. Election season is upon us for the town council! Baby shaking, hand kissing, and other traditional events abound! Also a chance for bribery, voter suppression, industrial espionage, and all sorts of other fun. Democracy manifest!
  96. People do not die of old age but instead become increasingly insectoid from their seventh decade until they become giant cockroaches at about one hundred. These elders are shut away in attics and cellars as embarrassments. This has been going on for a generation and no-one knows why. 
  97. A town full of cats that act in the manner of a human society... possibly. They all have tiny buildings to live and maybe work in, and seem to have tiny marketplaces, and tiny social structures... or maybe you're anthropomorphising them. Is this even a kingdom?
  98. Centre of a secret, yet benevolent and kind, snake cult. Chthonic secret rituals in underground temples venerating snakes as a symbol of rebirth and immortality. Other than being possibly heretical, completely harmless.
  99. Plagued by a flock of Lawyerbirds and their incessant litigation against everything from nightly noise to lack of corn in the birdfeeder 
  100. Probably nothing... 

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