Hi All,
I mostly wanted to make a quick blog post to say thanks for reading.
I know (or rather assume) that most of the people who read this blog are people who I know personally in real life (Hello friends!), and a great number of the rest of the views I assume are google bots trawling the web for search results, but based on viewing stats I have the hope that there are a few people reading this blog who aren't friends I have harangued into reading my internet ravings and aren't mindless SEO machines (although, hello to all the bots too).
So, whoever you are reading this, thanks very much for taking the time to do so. If you particularly like anything I write and would like to see more of it please leave a comment as it's nice to hear from people.
Also please enjoy this picture of a happy dinosaur I drew just for you. Yes you, the person reading this right now.
An adorable happy dinosaur playing the well known dinosaur game "Squish the Mammalian Usurpers" |
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